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Monday, October 21, 2024

Time Agenda Item
9:00 a.m.

Designated Federal Officer (DFO) Opening of Meeting and Roll Call (10 min)

DFO: Laura Cheever, Associate Administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)

9:10 a.m.

Introductions, Welcome, Adoption of Meeting Minutes (10 min)

Wendy Armstrong, CHAC Co-chair

9:20 a.m.

DFO Welcoming Remarks (10 min)

Laura Cheever, Associate Administrator, HRSA HAB

Jonathan Mermin, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP)

9:30 a.m.

HRSA Update (10 min)

Jordan Grossman, Deputy Administrator, HRSA

9:40 a.m.

HRSA HAB Update (20 min)

Laura Cheever, Associate Administrator, HRSA HAB

10:00 a.m.

HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) Update (10 min)

Jim Macrae, Associate Administrator, HRSA BPHC

10:10 a.m.

HRSA Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) Update (10 min)

Candice Chen, Acting Associate Administrator, HRSA BHW

10:20 a.m. BREAK (10 min)

10:30 a.m.


CDC Update (20 min)

Jonathan Mermin, Director, CDC NCHHSTP

10:50 a.m. CHAC Member Discussion with CDC and HRSA on Updates (70 min)
12:00 p.m. LUNCH – On Your Own (60 min)
1:00 p.m.

CHAC Workgroup Reports (10 min)

  • Long-Acting Injectables Workgroup (Shannon Dowler, Chair)
  • Community Partnerships Workgroup (Meredith Greene, Chair)
  • Workforce Workgroup (Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, Chair)
1:10 p.m.

Panel 1: Data-to-Care Strategies to Re-Engage People with HIV Out of Care (45 min)

Moderator: Melanie Moore, HRSA HAB


  • Patricia Sweeney, CDC/NCHHSTP/Division of HIV Prevention
  • Julie Dombrowski, University of Washington, Public Health – Seattle & King County
  • Colin Flynn, Maryland Department of Health/Center for HIV Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Evaluation
1:55 p.m. CHAC Member Discussion on Panel 1 (30 min)
2:25 p.m. BREAK (10 min)
2:35 p.m. Panel 2: Use of Long-Acting Injectables for HIV Care and Treatment (60 min)
Moderator: Marlene Matosky, HRSA HAB


  • Panel of five individuals with lived experience using long-acting injectables
3:35 p.m. CHAC Member Discussion on Panel 2 (30 min)
4:05 p.m. Business Session Part 1 (50 min)
4:55 p.m.

Recap Day One/Review Day Two (5 min)

Wendy Armstrong, CHAC Co-chair

5:00 p.m. Recess

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Time Agenda Item

9:00 a.m.


DFO Opening of Meeting and Roll Call (5 min)

Laura Cheever, Associate Administrator, HRSA HAB

9:05 a.m.

Day 2 Objectives (5 min)

Wendy Armstrong, CHAC Co-chair

9:10 a.m.

Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) Update (10 min)

Hansel Tookes, CHAC PACHA Liaison

9:20 a.m.

Panel 3: Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for People with HIV and STDs (45 mins)

Moderator: Britt Gayle, HRSA HAB


  • Teri Senn, National Institute of Mental Health
  • Stephanie Amaya, Medical University of South Carolina
  • Cristina Lopez, Medical University of South Carolina
  • Katie Catanzarite, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
10:05 a.m. CHAC Member Discussion on Public Comment and Panel 3 (30 min)
10:35 a.m. BREAK (10 min)
10:45 a.m.

Panel 4: Overcoming Barriers to Re-Engage People with HIV Out of Care (45 min)

Moderator: Paul Mandsager, HRSA HAB


  • Bobby Bangert, Whitman-Walker Health
  • June Gipson, My Brother’s Keeper, Inc.
  • Veronica Ross, University of Virginia Health
  • Everlyne Sawyer, University of Virginia Health
11:30 a.m. CHAC Member Discussion on Panel 4 (30 min)
12:00 p.m. LUNCH – On Your Own (60 min)
1:00 p.m. Public Comment (10 min – 2 minutes each)
1:10 p.m. Business Session Part 2 and Suggestions for Future Agenda Items (1 hour 40 min)
2:50 p.m.

Recap and Wrap-up (10 min)

Wendy Armstrong, CHAC Co-chair

3:00 p.m.


Laura Cheever, Associate Administrator, HRSA HAB